In Inspirations, Selina starts by revealing the concepts that inspire her: natural decor, living simply, mindful consumption, recycling, upcycling and reducing plastic waste. She looks at materials suited to the natural living look, including wood, bamboo, cork, recycled glass and upcycled materials. In Textures, she focuses on organic fabrics, fibres such as coir and rattan and eco-friendly paints. Finally, she shows how to style the home using lighting, decorative objects, vintage pieces, garden flowers and house plants. In the second section, Natural Living Spaces, Selina shows how sustainability and style can go hand in hand in living rooms, kitchens, bedrooms, bathrooms, home offices and even utility rooms. In The Natural Garden, she steps outside to discuss green gardening, growing your own produce and venturing further afield to camp, travel and explore. Throughout, eco-friendly tips and hints will inspire those who want to lighten their footprint on the planet. Last but not least, the Natural Resources section will help readers get the look and create a sustainable, eco-friendly home of their own.
※ 상품 설명에 반품/교환 관련한 안내가 있는 경우 그 내용을 우선으로 합니다
반품/교환방법 | ※ 오픈마켓, 해외배송주문, 기프트 주문시 [1:1상담>반품/교환/환불] 또는 고객센터로 문의 |
반품/교환가능 기간 | 변심반품의 경우 수령 후 7일 이내, 상품의 결함 및 계약내용과 다를 경우 문제점 발견 후 30일 이내 |
반품/교환비용 | 변심 혹은 구매착오로 인한 반품/교환은 반송료 고객 부담 |
반품/교환 불가 사유 |
상품 품절 | 공급사(출판사) 재고 사정에 의해 품절/지연될 수 있으며, 품절 시 관련 사항에 대해서는 이메일과 문자로 안내드리겠습니다. |
소비자 피해보상 환불지연에 따른 배상 |
In Inspirations, Selina starts by revealing the concepts that inspire her: natural decor, living simply, mindful consumption, recycling, upcycling and reducing plastic waste. She looks at materials suited to the natural living look, including wood, bamboo, cork, recycled glass and upcycled materials. In Textures, she focuses on organic fabrics, fibres such as coir and rattan and eco-friendly paints. Finally, she shows how to style the home using lighting, decorative objects, vintage pieces, garden flowers and house plants. In the second section, Natural Living Spaces, Selina shows how sustainability and style can go hand in hand in living rooms, kitchens, bedrooms, bathrooms, home offices and even utility rooms. In The Natural Garden, she steps outside to discuss green gardening, growing your own produce and venturing further afield to camp, travel and explore. Throughout, eco-friendly tips and hints will inspire those who want to lighten their footprint on the planet. Last but not least, the Natural Resources section will help readers get the look and create a sustainable, eco-friendly home of their own.
※ 상품 설명에 반품/교환 관련한 안내가 있는 경우 그 내용을 우선으로 합니다
반품/교환방법 | ※ 오픈마켓, 해외배송주문, 기프트 주문시 [1:1상담>반품/교환/환불] 또는 고객센터로 문의 |
반품/교환가능 기간 | 변심반품의 경우 수령 후 7일 이내, 상품의 결함 및 계약내용과 다를 경우 문제점 발견 후 30일 이내 |
반품/교환비용 | 변심 혹은 구매착오로 인한 반품/교환은 반송료 고객 부담 |
반품/교환 불가 사유 |
상품 품절 | 공급사(출판사) 재고 사정에 의해 품절/지연될 수 있으며, 품절 시 관련 사항에 대해서는 이메일과 문자로 안내드리겠습니다. |
소비자 피해보상 환불지연에 따른 배상 |